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The human brain is a powerful tool. Always on, the brain is thinking and dealing with decisions and stressors and subconscious activities which makes us responsive to things . 

But that moment comes when we begin to feel lost out of sight, lacking the feeling to continue. It usually feels like an extensive period of idleness and despise for anything. It's a feeling we all associated with BOREDOM.

Like it it not, we all will have some experiences of this  term depending on individual emotional levels.

When analyzing the brain wave with the use of an encephalogram,  results, shows that the right frontal lobe is responsible for activities and concentration levels in the brain.
 The right frontal activity is increased when people are feeling more negative emotions or becoming more anxious.

When we are bored the brain most times induces sleep as a pattern to while away time or think less.

This Sleep control is influenced by a variety of cognitive and emotional factors eg causing a lower secretion levels of dopamine.  
That's why we most times take coffee to resist sleep.

Caffeine appears to produce behavioral activity that induces wakefulness by blocking adenosine at [A2A receptors] on [nucleus accumbens] neurons, while activation of [nucleus accumbens] core neurons can induce sleep.”

The bright side of boredom??

So far, there's no tidy, evolutionary reasoning to explain why we get bored. But that doesn't mean that boredom can't do us some good. "The positive side of boredom is that, if responded to in an adaptive way, it is this signal to explore, [to] do something else. That what you're doing now isn't working,"

Additionally, being bored can improve overall brain health.  During exciting times, the brain releases a chemical called dopamine which is associated with feeling good.  

When the brain has fallen into a predictable, monotonous pattern, many people feel bored, even depressed. This might be because we have lower levels of dopamine . 

This in general explains the impact of hormones to feelings of boredom and the need to participate in activities that help to increase the secretions of dopamine and nature's feel good hormone.

Some activities like, reading, singing, watching movies and looking for bright meanings of life help to restore ones good mode and increase productivity level.


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