My love is a fairy tale..
In my world dreams do come true...
Ever been in my world? It's no coincidence...
Drowning In my peace.. is how fast you fall..
Crashlanding in rocks, the moment you turn your back...
We all keep falling for the bad ones don't we?
Hush now! I'm a mix of opposite proportions...
Contradicting it's nature...
Too good to be true yet a sharp dark knife if you intrude...
Be careful with my charm
For you'd find comfort in it's cherry blossoms
My love is like an ocean...
Don't wait if you can't...
Think twice before you stay...
No one goes deep and comes out the same...
Addiction it brings ... Solace it gives
I share my sacred love with you
A priceless gem so fragile
Yet so difficult to find
That is the definition of my love ....
Now think twice before making that bold decision
Cause you'd fall ...either way you choose...
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