How many times have you given excuses for achieving a goal?
Hello Activers, welcome back to an enlightening forum where we learn, unlearn and grow in self development.
Today we're gonna be talking about reasons why we give up on dreams.
Its so common that we have a lot of negative thoughts and fewer positive aspirations.
If there's one thing I've realized in life it is,
Don't be afraid of taking that step
Be even more afraid of regret!
Cause its the most horrible feeling in life. Having a chance to do something great but being a coward and forfeiting the mission.
I just want to give a little motivation to start your day. Make that choice to do something great. I promise you , it wont always be fun on the journey. When I wanted to write out this powerful message to you , I did felt reluctant, stressed but I remembered one thing, THE GOAL!
It all starts with a WHY?
Every great accomplishment has a story behind it.
What is your WHY behind your idea?
What change or creativity are you trying to implement?
WHY should people turn to your direction and pay attention to what you're offering?
Its all starts with a motive. There are a thousand reasons for not achieving what you desperately desire ,but the decision starts in your mind today.
Go out today and be the best version of yourself.
In life we will always get tons of NO's than YE'S! But you must know that it all depends on you taking the step to move forward with yourself. Consistency is all that matters. No matter how tough and indecisive you seem, always remember
Search within yourself, make that choice . And when you finally do, It'll be a great step to your accomplishment.
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