Hello everyone So today we're going to be talking about a topic which I don't usually speak about. we'll be focusing on change in respect to parenting. I think this is a topic that most of us don't like to talk about or engage in because most of us are in the constant pursuit of making money. So today I just want us to be reminded of the fact that they are more priorities to life that also needs attention. Now let's dive into the topic What does change means to you? we all have our definitions of change and what it has done to us, what experiences we might have had that has made us to whom we have become. Today will be focusing on change in respect to parenting. I'll try to be as brief as possible because I only know as much about this topic and would love to share my and knowledge with us. I believe change is the ability to see beyond your present self. It is an innate feeling of deciding to be a better version of yourself . We have all changed in some ways i...