Honduras is one of the world's deadliest places to be a woman. Where in some countries,the birth of a girl child is a cause for celebration but it is the opposite in such an inhumane county. According to a UN report, Honduras has the world's highest homicide rate, with 90.4 people murdered per 100,000 of the population. Someone is always trying to kill You just for being the opposite gender. Dead bodies of females found like a normal routine in the streets. According to statistics, a female is killed one every 23 hours in Honduras. This shows the extent to femicide and killing without regard. Cutting of body parts and peeling skins like vegetables. Honestly,I can't imagine what families must be going through there. Many women in Honduras live each day in fear of being attacked and it’s one of the reasons thousands of women have fled that country for the United States. The organisations say out of 463 women murdered last year, only 15 cases were investigated. This pain and i...